Child Support Notarized Letter Sample

By | December 12, 2015


A notarized letter is a document that may have been written by an individual but is signed and stamped by a notary, to provide a seal of genuine documentation. A child support notarized letter is one that denotes that the issuer of the letter is a genuine party and did not write the letter under duress, distress or intoxication.

While some notaries may have specific child support samples that they would like you to follow, you can actually draw up your own and have it notarizes as well. The best way of going about this is to ask your local notary public what needs to be done. If you have to write one on your own, you have pretty much a lot of leeway to do so.

Typically, a child support letter will contain information of you obtaining a certain amount of money from the child’s parent (in most cases, the father). You might want to write the letter in the first person as you are actually declaring the fact that you receive child support regularly. The letter can also take the look of a form, if you have the time to create one.


Child Support Notarized Letter Sample


Child Support Notary Letter

I, Amber Flex, hereby certify the following child support information:

Child support is paid by Sean Flex, for the following children in my household:

Children’s Full Name

Mary Flex – Aged 2 years as of today
Amanda Flex – Aged 4 as of today
Ronald Flex – Aged 8 as of today

Parent’s Full Name and Address (responsible for child support payments)

Sean Flex
523 Bestel Avenue
Westminster, CA 92125

I am supposed to receive a total amount of $3500 per month.

The actual amount received per month is $3500.

All these payments are directly credited to my account on the 5th of every month without fail, as of today, December 12, 2015. There are no discrepancies in either payment methods or amounts and hence no need for any legal interventions at the moment.

I am aware that Section 1001 of Title 18 of the U.S Code makes it a criminal offence to make willful false statements or misinterpretations to any department or agency of the U.S as to any matter of the jurisdiction.


Signature – Payee


____________________                                                           _____________________
Notary Public                                                                                    Residing at


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