Child Support Agreement Letter Sample

By | November 21, 2014

Child support matters are complex especially where neither parent agrees to come to a mutual term. In such situations, lawyers usually intervene and settle the matter by conferring with the parent that they are representing and managing things on their behalf. Since the latter arrangement is usually more plausible due to taking the load off a parent – understanding child support and review laws is complicated and one would rather let an expert handle it – lawyers or mediators are usually hired to do this.

A child support agreement letter is usually written to a judge by a representative (usually a mediator) stating all that has been decided about a particular child support case. This will include information what both sets of parents have agreed upon – both in monetary and child care terms. Once this letter becomes part of the child support petition documentation, it has to be enforced and can only be reviewed after the set time that the judge agrees on.

Agreement letters that detail child support decisions are usually detailed as it is important to cover every aspect of the situation. Following is a child support agreement letter that you can refer to.

See Also:

Child Support Agreement Letter Sample

November 21, 2014

Judge Frank Jose
Capitol Complex
Building 1, Room E 192
Charleston, WV 52683


Dear Judge Jose:

This child support agreement letter is written on behalf of Gregory Hogan and Linda Law (case # CS-92837) and details the child support terms regarding their son George Hogan that the now divorced couple have agreed upon. Please refer below for details of these terms:

Residence Agreement
George Hogan, now 7 years of age will spend the weekdays (Monday to Friday) with his mother and the weekends with his father. Both parents have agreed to be flexible with this arrangement in the event that either want the situation to be reversed temporarily.

Living and other Costs
Everyday costs will be handled by the parent in charge of the child as and when they happen. The father will be responsible for insurance premiums and car lease costs. Both parents agree to contribute 10% of their monthly salary to the child’s college fund.

Conflict Resolution
It is both parents’ wish that any conflict that may arise between them should be resolved on their own or with intervention from a family member rather than the law. This includes personal conflicts or financial issues that either party may have.

Death or Disability
Both parents have signed a will, a copy of which is with their respective lawyers. This will is to be taken into account in case of death or disability of either or both within one year of the approval of this letter.

Both parties have mutually agreed to all the statements provided above and have signed this copy which is being submitted to your court for approval.



Valarie Manson
Winger Law Associates
738 Ulysses Drive
Charlestown, WV 82928


Gregory Hogan
1029 Paul Avenue
Charlestown, WV 76352


Linda Law
336 Coral Road
Charlestown, WV 72944


Legal Witness Signature