Offer to Purchase Property Letter Sample

By | October 8, 2016

When you are interested in a property because it meets all your real estate buying needs and requirements, it is best to put in an offer to buy it as soon as possible. Any delays might mean the deal going to someone else. How do you make an offer in a professional manner? You write an offer letter. An offer letter is a formal (but not legally binding) document that expresses your interest in buying a particular property that you have taken a fancy to. This type of document can be written in any manner that you want, but you might want to incorporate a few things, including:

• Purchase price and conditions.
• Cash offered.
• Earnest money deposit.

While you do not need to include all three, you must make an offer so that the other party is aware of what you are willing to pay. You need to mention the address of the said property as well so that the seller knows which one you are making an offer for, in case there are more than one that he has put up for sale. An offer works as a kind of an agreement, as prior to writing one, the buyer usually has a detailed conversation with the seller. And the offer is usually made after the seller agrees to contemplate a future offer. Here is a sample:


Offer to Purchase Property Letter Sample


Wayne Bolt
485 Way Road
Conyers, GA 19273
(000) 666-6666

October 8, 2016

Mr. Mark Teal
2783 Naga Road
Conyers, GA 44562


Dear Mr. Teal:

With reference to our conversation earlier this week, I would like to make a formal offer to purchase 256 Scarlet Lane, Conyers, GA on the terms and conditions set forth:

Earnest Money: An amount of $10,000 earnest money will be paid to the buyer at the time of formal purchase agreement. This amount will be deducted from the purchase price at the time of the deal.

Full Payment: The remaining $50,000 will be paid on the day of occupancy of the said property, after ensuring that all repair and maintenance work has been duly managed by the seller, and that no litigation is apparent on the property.

Payment Method: All transactions, whether earnest money or full payment will be conducted through appropriate bank instruments, upon mutual agreement between the buyer and the seller.

Property Title: Transfer of property title from the seller’s name to the buyer’s name is the responsibility of the seller, which must be completed within 60 working days of the closure of this deal.

This offer is void if not accepted by the seller in writing on or before October 20, 2016. If you agree to the terms and conditions laid out in this offer letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return to us. You may retain a copy for your reference.




Wayne Bolt
485 Way Road
Conyers, GA 19273
(000) 666-6666