Sample Reply to Compliment Letter

By | November 16, 2014

Compliments from customers or supervisors give us a sense of achievement and provide an overall feel-good factor to our work. If the compliment is coming from a customer and is aimed at an employee, the employee has two chances at praise – one from the customer and the other from a supervisor which will be in reaction to the customer’s compliment.

A compliment letter is all very well but it is also important to acknowledge a compliment letter to thank the person who has provided you with the compliment and increased your chances of being praised by a supervisor as well. A reply to a compliment letter will give you a chance to reach out to the customer, thank him and also pave the way for future sales. If you have been praised by a new customer, a reply to a compliment letter can also give you a chance to connect to him and give him news of a future deal.

Whatever your reasons may be, a reply to a compliment letter depicts courtesy as you will be acknowledging a customer’s efforts. Here is a sample reply to a compliment letter written by a customer service representative to a customer.


Sample Reply to Compliment Letter


Sean Peg
Customer Service Representative
21 Altis Ave
Morristown, TN 19154
(222) 222-2222
sean @ email . com

December 4, 2015

Mr. Van Wilmington
739 Barkley Landing Drive
Morristown, TN 19111


Dear Mr. Wilmington:

Please accept my sincerest thanks for writing to Mr. Joseph Colt (Manager Sales) and complimenting my work. Working with clients like you make the long and arduous hours worthwhile and provide much needed encouragement.

I have taken the liberty of sharing your kind words with other team members of Flowserve who have provided me with both physical and emotional support during tough deadlines. They too appreciate your feedback and vow to work harder to ensure further excellence in their customer service efforts.

Flowserve is committed to providing its clients with exceptional customer services and we follow the lead provided to us by our supervisors. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of a combination deal (details are enclosed) that we are about to launch. As gratitude of your appreciation, I have been given the liberty of offering this to you before the rest of the clients are informed. I anticipate that I will be able to provide you with the same level of customer service that you have been receiving in the past.

Thank you once again for your compliment and appreciation.




Sean Peg
Customer Service Representative