Holiday Letter to Parents from Teacher

By | December 20, 2015

It is that time of the year when teachers contact parents to let them know about the holidays. With so much going on – Christmas and New Year less than a few weeks away and end of the term activities and exams – you may feel overwhelmed at being asked to write a letter (all by yourself) to parents, providing them with information on the holidays and other associated things.

Fear no more! Let us help you out here by first telling you what needs to go in a holiday letter. The specifics can be discussed with the school administration but we can give you a general outline. Usually, letters of this sort are written to parents as a whole (each parent is not individually addressed), wishing them happy holidays and providing them with information on end of the term activities and how many holidays have been allotted to students.

Holiday letters need to be written in a festive tone – even if you are announcing summer holidays, you will need to be polite and positive. For this time of the year, you may choose to write a holiday letter based on the sample provided below:


Holiday Letter to Parents from Teacher


December 11, 2015


Dear Parents:

This year has been great academically, as the students of Grade 1 have been especially hardworking. I would like to thank you for providing them with support throughout the year and hope that the next year will be as fruitful as 2015 was.

As the year ends, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I would like to inform you that school will close down for winter break from Friday, December 18, 2015 and will reopen on Monday January 11, 2016. On January 11, 2016, we will be holding a class party for the students to celebrate the joys of Christmas and New Year.

Holiday homework will be handed over to the students on their last day at school and they are expected to complete it and hand it in by Friday, January 19, 2016 at the very latest. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office at (000) 333-1212, which will remain open except December 24 and 25.

Happy holidays!



Marjorie Wright
Class Teacher – Grade 1
KIPP Delta Public Schools
8317 Roxbury Road
Gulfport, MS 39547