Sample Happy New Year Letter to Employees

By | November 26, 2014

The New Year is a happy time for all of us. Christmas spirit has not yet worn off and the extended holidays lend an air of cheer and motivation that helps us welcome the New Year in. This is a perfect time to add to the cheer by sending a Happy New Year letter to people who have spent an entire year diligently working for you and making money for your company i.e. your employees.

A simple New Year letter can go a long way in motivating your employees work hard in the new year. It may seem like a simple gesture but it has composite effects as far as employee motivation is concerned. You may wonder how a customary New Year letter can motivate employees; the truth is that employees seek chances of connecting with their employer. A letter from you will make this possible.

Let’s look at it this way; you would want to make sure that your employees do not come back from the holidays with holiday blues plaguing them. You can make them look forward to work by writing a motivating New Year greeting to them. Have a look at the sample below to see how you can do this.


Sample Happy New Year Letter to Employees


January 4, 2017


All Staff
ABC Company
810 Endel Street
Greenville, SC 67002


Dear Staff Members:

The New Year promises to bring a lot of success for ABC Company owing to the magnificent work it has performed in 2016! Let me take this opportunity to say Happy New Year to all of you.

Let’s welcome 2017 with a strong commitment and new enthusiasm!

Since you all are an essential part of the success of ABC Company, I would personally like to thank you all for your non-stop collaborative efforts to obtain our common goals.  This year is sure to bring more progress and achievements to our organization and I hope all team members will make the most of their talents to meet and exceed targets.

Please accept my best wishes for the New Year 2017. I am positive that you will return to work with great spirit and motivation to take up the next challenges.


Sincere regards,

[Sign Here]

Tim Burton
Chief Executive Officer
Hard Rock International
Tel: (333) 333-3333