Letter to Teacher from Parent about Child’s Behavior

By | May 13, 2015

No one likes unruly children – especially a teacher who is striving hard to instill discipline in her students. But if it is your child who is disrupting a class, you may need to write a letter to his class teacher, detailing why this is happening.

Obtaining feedback from teachers on occasional basis is all very well, but if you have found yourself to be at the receiving end of constant complaints about your child, you need to investigate what is going on and then do something about it – before the school administration takes action. Many parents are now aware and open-minded enough to accept that their child may have a behavioral problem. Where Autism and ADHD were once considered a taboo, they are now widely understood and many schools make allowances for students who may be diagnosed with these or similar conditions. This is a good chance to take advantage of a school administration’s understanding.

Write a letter to the teacher detailing why your child is misbehaving and what you are doing to make things easy for the teacher. A sample letter of this sort is given below for your reference:


Letter to Teacher from Parent about Child’s Behavior


May 13, 2015

Ms. Patty Smyth
Class Teacher – Kindergarten
Newfoundland Preschool
827 Johns Glen Avenue
Saint Johns, FL 32103


Dear Ms. Smyth:

I understand that you have some concerns about my child Ryan Helming’s behavior in class. We were made aware of Ryan’s ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) recently and were considering talking to the school administration about it.

As a result of his diagnosis, you may often come across moodiness, overreaction, frustration and sensitivity in Ryan, along with inability to listen to or follow instructions and poor penmanship. I realize that all these can be extremely annoying and inconvenient, especially during class instruction. I am in the process of acquiring an SNA (special needs assistant) for Ryan, who will be with him during class and will help to handle the various physical, social and academic limitations that he has. Until then, I would appreciate it if you could accommodate him as best as you can – correct him if you must but please do not pressurize him into learning a concept, as he is sure to buckle under the pressure.

Thank you so much for your understanding and patience. I will be in touch with you on a regular basis to acquire feedback on Ryan. If the need arises, I can be contacted at (222) 222-2222.



Jacob Helming
(888) 000-0099
Jacob @ email . com