Apology for not Getting Work Done on Time

By | December 13, 2016

Sometimes, delays in meeting deadlines are inevitable – you cannot help them. While your supervisor or boss will be happiest if he or she see that you have met all your deadlines, if one isn’t met, you may not be judged too harshly. However, in the event that you have missed a deadline, it is important to apologize. You must acknowledge that you failed in getting the work done on time. Remaining silent may put you under the microscope.

An apology letter is a good way of owning up that you missed a deadline. If your supervisor is already aware of the fact that a deadline was missed, an apology letter will work as a buffer. By all means, write one. What goes into an apology letter of this type? You must make sure that your apology letter has an explanation of why you couldn’t get your work done on time. While we do not suggest that you make excuses, it is best to offer a viable explanation of what happened, and how you will make sure that a situation such as this does not resurface.

Looking for a sample to follow? This one should help you:


Apology for not Getting Work Done on Time


Adam Grey
Communications Manager
8873 Saint Road
Canfield, OH 10038
Tel: (222) 222-2222

December 13, 2016

Mr. Solomon Pinto
Project Manager
8873 Saint Road
Canfield, OH 10038


Dear Mr. Pinto:

I apologize for not being able to meet the deadline for printing Natura for next month. I am aware of the fact that the magazine has seldom been late in the 5 years that it has been in print, which makes this situation even more awkward. I understand that this delay may cause problems with the company board, who are all looking forward to seeing a copy on their desks in the first week of January 2017.

As you know, I had been in constant touch with the new printer that you brought onboard for printing our monthly magazine. Just as the magazine was about to be sent for printing, the printer (Mr. Frank Herbert) called and informed me that he had a “bigger” project to handle and could not take ours. While we had a few words exchanged, he was adamant on not printing Natura this week. I have identified another quality printing service which has agreed to print the magazine by January 8, 2107 so that distribution can begin on January 9, 2016. If you agree, I can have the needful done.

It would be a kindness if you could respond promptly so that I can get the ball rolling. I apologize for this delay, and vow to always keep a backup plan in case something does go wrong in the future.




Adam Grey