Sample Income Verification Letter from Employer

By | October 26, 2016

Most human resource departments have predesigned income verification forms that they fill out and hand over to an employee who needs it for whatever purpose. Usually, an income verification letter or form is required when an individual applies for a loan or a mortgage, sometimes even if a big purchase needs to be made on credit. If your organization does not yet have a predefined income verification form, you might need to write a letter to verify the employee’s income when asked. What does it entail? Keep reading…

An income verification letter is a simple document – a finance / accounts representative writes a letter that charts out an employee’s annual income, and attaches proof of payment with it. Yes, this is how simple it is. If you have been given the task of writing an income verification letter, there are a couple of things that you will need to keep in mind. Firstly, you will need to verify that the individual really does work at the organization which you represent. Secondly, it is important to provide information of the employee’s status (whether contractual or permanent), along with his or her designation. Depending on where the letter needs to go, it may or may not be a To Whom It May Concern letter.

Need a sample to look at? Here goes!


Sample Income Verification Letter from Employer


October 26, 2016

Ms. Ivana Trump
Loan Officer
Bank of America
69 E 5th Street
Sparta, IL 10293


Dear Ms. Trump:

This is to certify that Ms. Elizabeth Parker is presently working as an administrative assistant at Pepsi Co., presently stationed in the Sparta Head Office. Ms. Parker’s employment status with the company is permanent – she joined the organization in August 2009.

I have been requested to confirm Ms. Parker’s annual salary so that she may apply for a loan from your bank. Please refer to the details below:

Designation: Administrative Assistant
Annual Salary: $48,598.00
Paid Monthly: 4,049.83
Yearly Bonus (Paid in December): 20% of monthly salary

Ms. Parker is considered as an employee in good standing, and has been steadily moving up the career ladder. I do not foresee any issues in her salary following the predicted pattern that it is treading on at this point in time. I have attached details of her salary and bonus payments with this letter for further endorsement. If there is any additional information that you require, please feel free to contact me.




John Millard
Finance Manager
Pepsi Co.
885 W 67the Street
Sparta, IL 18373
(000) 222-2222