A landlord’s worst wish would be if the tenants they just made an agreement with turn out to be a really rowdy, vociferous, loud and disruptive family. If anything of this sort happens, and you get complaints from other residents, the best thing for you to do is take care of this situation instantly; otherwise you’ll set a standard the allows all tenants commensurate levels of noisiness, resulting in violations of leases.
For the landlord to signify this problem to the tenants, you should write a notification letter telling the rowdy family about all the noise complaints you’ve received. Mention in this letter where in the agreement, the conditions against exorbitant noise happens to be, and resolutions they can make to solve this problem. Be patient and use a kind and gentle language.
Sample Warning Letter to Tenant for Noise
Merlyn Moore
Property Manager
Higher Gardens
(000) 265-9656
February 26, 2017
Stephen Salvatore
Significant Services
1307 Westwood Avenue
Westbury, NY 11590
Dear Mr. Salvatore:
This letter has been written to you to bring into your notice that from February 17, 2017, to February 24, 2017, I received 8 complaints on account of extortionate noise levels, arising from your premises. According to our rental agreement, this letter’s main purpose is to enlighten you, that you’re in violation of the noise policy in our agreement.
Our rental agreement states that you are not allowed to make in your home an environment which creates excessive and un-necessary noise. I request you that you please look at the loud noise section, which is found on page 7, in our signed rental agreement.
To cure and treat this situation, I request you to please try to make sure the noise levels stay low, in your premises, as much as you and your family can. You can try to minimize the volume of your television, especially when the kids are watching cartoons. Try to keep the volume of your stereo system, and the music you listen to at night at a reasonable level. Certainly, you are allowed to invite guests, but the noise that your guests produce is your responsibility. Additional violations of these conditions in the rental agreement may result in the eviction of you and your family from the property.
Thank you for your consideration, and immediate actions in following up on these concerns.
Merlyn Moore