Sample Christmas Letter from Teacher to Parents

By | November 7, 2014

As a teacher, you should leave no opportunity to connect with your students’ parents especially if you have a class full of young children. After all, you would want parents to know about their children’s progress periodically and the more opportunities you get, the better it is for all parties involved!

Christmas is a great time to get in touch with parents. Everybody is in a festive mood and can take criticism positively – if there is a need for it! Writing a Christmas letter to parents is an excellent way of letting them know that you care about your relationship with your student and his / her parents. A Christmas letter does not necessarily need to be elaborate – a few sentences of season’s greetings and some feedback about their child will do the trick.

Once you have permission from the school office to write a Christmas letter to parents, you can begin by thinking of a personalized letter for each of your students. Since you will be writing a different once for every student, you will need to have a lot of time on your hands.

A Christmas letter does not have to have a set format; you can write anything provided that you remain within certain limitations that govern relationships between teachers and parents in an academic setting. Here is an example:


Sample Christmas Letter from Teacher to Parents


December 2, 2018


Ms. Valerie Lopez
524 Cook Street
Niceville, FL 82928


Dear Ms. Lopez:

Please accept my heartiest wishes for Christmas and a glorious New Year. I hope that both Gale and little Bernard enjoy the two week holidays that they have from school, and you get to bond with them as you have often wanted to.

As you are aware, it is the end of the academic year, and we have conducted exams in the last week of November. Gale has done exceptionally well as was expected and I am sure she will continue this progress well into her academic years. Test results will be handed out to students on their first day back to school (January 12) and a subsequent parent-teacher meeting will be held later in January of which we will intimate you soon. I strongly recommend that you attend the meeting as it will provide you with first-hand feedback on how Gale is performing and you will also have the opportunity to speak with me personally.

I hope that Bernard has settled well in preschool and I will get a chance to have him in my class soon. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the holidays with great fervor.




Candace Cameron
Class Teacher – Grade 5
Norton Public Schools
635 Lewis Road
Niceville, FL 66373
Tel: 000.333.7777