Leave Letter Due to Death in Family

By | December 19, 2016

It is the hardest thing to say is your last goodbyes when an untimely death takes away someone dear to the heart, but as long as the earth is rotating around its orbit, the sun is shining, life must go on!

The mere thought of writing a letter informing your school, college, or office, of the unfortunate loss and asking for compassionate leave is even more unpleasant and heart-rending, but you have to do it!

Such a letter is best formal, and matter-of-factly; merely to inform, as no one expects you back at work so soon after such a tragic experience. I know you’ll feel like writing everything about the deceased, however it’s better to not dwell too much on feelings, and simply state your relationship with the deceased. Of course, you will need to add in the dates in which you wish to take leave, and if you can arrange for someone to cover for you, say that in your letter, and if you can’t it won’t reflect badly on you, given the circumstances.

In the hopes that it helps in a small way, here’s a sample leave letter for death of a relative:


Leave Letter Due to Death in Family


December 19, 2016

Justin M. Wallace
Floor Manager
The Ice-cream Factory
98 Wales Ave
New York, NY 12587


Dear Mr. Wallace:

I am writing this letter to inform you, with a heavy heart, that last night my dearest beloved Uncle lost his long battle with cerebrovascular disease. As his wife is without any other kin to help, and their children are still young, they’re unable to handle funeral arrangements, which behooves my family and I to fly immediately, from New York to Chicago.

I must regretfully ask for a 4-day compassionate leave, from December 19 to December 22 during which I will be travelling and making funeral arrangements for the most part. I have also informed Logan L. Johnson, who’s happy and willing to fill in for me during my leave.

I am grateful for all the help and condolences you have extended me at a time when I could really use all the moral support I could get, I really appreciate it.

In case of any emergency or if any assistance is required from me please do not hesitate to contact me.


Sincere regards,

Christina F. Carson