New Employee Joining Announcement Letter Sample

By | December 29, 2016

A new employee is joining – that means to avoid confusion and to welcome that new employee, an announcement letter should be sent to the entire staff. This letter is the best way to introduce your new member of your work family to everyone, and ensure that they’re welcomed by all. Writing these sorts of letters are particularly easy; however, they are surprisingly crucial.

Formatting this letter is a breeze. Start with an announcement stating the new employee’s arrival and which department that employee will work in. Follow that by a simple introduction of the employee, you may even add a picture so that everyone can recognize the new employee.

You can also mention how it is appropriate to contact the new employee, who will be their mentor, and who they will answer to and work with. This would make sure there’s no interdepartmental confusion. This is a good opportunity to remind everyone of work ethics, and instruct them to welcome the new employee with all the office spirit they have.


New Employee Joining Announcement Letter Sample 


December 29, 2016

The Staff
Marks and Jameson, Inc.
8273 Pike Avenue
Liberty Lake, WA 29383


Dear Staff:

This letter is to announce that Mr. James Shenfield has joined our team as a Research Analyst. He will work under Fred Murry, department head, and will start working on 19th January, 2016.

His work will leave him stuck in the lab so be sure to come down to welcome him. I have high hopes for our new conditioner line, and James has done massive amounts of research on the subject, and worked with two other companies before.

I hope we all will welcome him and help him integrate into our office properly, and continue to strive for excellence in our products together.




Marcus Jameson
Marks and Jameson, Inc.