Parent-Teacher Meeting Letter Sample (Invitation to Parents)

By | December 25, 2016

As the New Year draws alongside, the new semester awaits to begin! For an effective, constructive, and successful schoolyear for all, these parent-teacher communications, colloquiums, and conferences are an absolute necessity. Teachers intend to discuss the semester’s goals and expectations with the parents. The parents are enlightened on the syllabi and the child’s learning needs and skill acquisition requirements.

Being a teacher and guidance-giver, you’re the best person to write a letter to the parents of your students, inviting them to join you for a meeting, and to broach and confer together on the objectives of the students’ new journey that’s about to start. While writing, use formal style, well organized paragraphs, and considerate progression of topic! Let the parents know the date, time, and purpose of the PTA meeting, with the emphasize on that you’re looking forward for meeting them!


Parent-Teacher Meeting Letter Sample


Dear Parents:


Season’s Greetings!

I am Mr. Kendall, you’re child’s Head Teacher for this semester. This letter is to inform you that the 1st Annual PTA Conference for the class of 2016 is to be held on Tuesday, January 3, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We, at Mt. Olympus Senior High, have organized this meeting, and all parents are cordially invited to join us to collaboratively discuss this semester’s new challenges and objectives.

We always try to ensure that each student enrolled in Mt. Olympus Senior High has the best, most experience-rich year! As parents, you can provide us with valuable, and necessary information to for our teachers to make your child’s semester as substantially productive, and fruitful as possible.

During this conference, the teachers will share with you the new curricula, students’ achievements, goals, expectations, and aspirations. We know you want the best for your child, and we strongly believe attending this meeting will make known to us your wishes, concerns and recommendations, and enable us to do a better job for your child’s education.

This PTA conference is quintessentially focused on fostering a “Growth Mindset,” among students, and how the stakeholders; i.e., parents, educators, school board and authorities, can collaborate to make this the new norm in learning. Yours is the pivotal role in embracing and bolstering this revolutionary method of teaching; a role envisioned to raise the bar for parents statewide.

As this is the first, i.e. cornerstone, conference of the schoolyear, we are really looking forward to meeting with you. We keenly appreciate all the support that you give your child at home with his education. Thank you for all your scrutiny and valuable feedback, without which our job is never done!




Kendall C. Floyd
PTA Chairperson
Mt. Olympus Senior High